3 Benefits Mosaic Artists Get from Pinterest


Think of Pinterest as an awesome adjunct for Facebook, not a replacement for it. Each give the mosaic artist a set of helpful but very different features. Together they make a great toolbox. Here are the three valuable benefits you can get from Pinterest:

Inspiration. Pinterest is even more image centric than Facebook. Since mosaics are a visual art, that's great. On whatever device you use, the screen will have more images on it than Facebook has on the same device. There are a few ways that you can see thousands of images of mosaics.

First, you can simply search for mosaics. With the search results you will get two arrays of filters that you can choose to narrow your search. One includes Ideas, Artwork, Patterns, etc. The other includes, All Pins, Pinners, and Boards. Whatever you select, you will have a lot of mosaics to look at. If that is too broad, you can enter new search terms like mosaic birdbaths.

From here the hard part is deciding when to quit. You can look at photos of mosaic art until you are cross-eyed, out of time, or inspired to make more art.

Information. You can find image centric information on how to make mosaics. Search for "how to mosaic bird baths" and you will get a lot of tutorials. Some use stained glass, others use stone, others are mixed.

Whether you are using Pinterest for inspiration or information, you can create the equivalent of a Facebook newsfeed that automatically show you pins in the categories that you request in your profile set-up.

The third benefit is Income. Pinterest is also a great marketing platform. Create pins that feature your mosaics, classes or services. Some will be shared by other pinners and thereby introduce your art (and you) to new people. Your pins can have a link to your website where someone can buy your art or sign up for your class.

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