• Hi Tom! Not knowing what the substance is, I can only suggest using a neutral cleaning solution like vinegar and water. That may help loosen it to be able to scrape it off easier.

    Lou Ann
  • I have an old wall mosaic that has some brown substance on some of the stone. It looks like old glue or perhaps a finish that was put over the tile that has ages. The stone pieces are very small. This piece was made in Jordan years ago in what they called the old style. I can scrape it off each tile that is dirty but this is very time consuming it’s a large piece 39 × 50 inches. Is there a better way to clean this?

    Tom L
  • Hi Juanita! You should use a thick base so that that large tile can be “squished” down into it. Then clean out in between so your grout will have room to go into the spaces between the tiles.

    Lou Ann Weeks
  • I have a 24 × 24 tile already on mesh that I am attaching to skeewbacker board for my daughter. How much thinset should I use for it? How thick should it be?

    Juanita Spires

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